Transsexual Get’s her breasts!

StaffDeep DishLeave a Comment

UK taxpayers have been landed with a phenominal £78,000 bill after a transsexual won her legal battle for a breast enlargement

Cash-strapped health bosses insisted they could not afford to fork out for Miranda Lee’s £8,000 breast enlargement operation and insisted she pay for it herself.

But Miss Lee, once Raymond Harwood, was celebrating yesterday after officials caved in.

The U-turn came after Miss Lee, married three times as a man, got £10,000 in legal aid to sue South East Essex Primary Care Trust.

She used the cash to hire experts who argued the decision had left her with mental health problems.

Miss Lee, 40, who already has had £60,000 of sex swap surgery, threatened to demand compensation for the stress caused by the ruling which she said had left her “half man, half woman”.

Jobless Miss Lee said yesterday: “I got a letter two days before Christmas confirming I would get the breast argumentation done and I’ve got an appointment to see a consultant in January.

transsexual boob job?“Now I can get on with the rest of my life and stop spending days thinking about killing myself.”

But the ruling enraged campaigners. John O’Connell, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “The NHS has seen its funding rocket in the past few years.

“It’s still as crucial as ever to get value for taxpayers’ cash.”

After living as a woman for two years, Miss Lee had her male genitalia removed and her voice altered to make her sound more like a woman at London’s Charing Cross Hospital last year.

The House see’s it as crucial to have as big of boobs as one can muster.. as well as finding a patron to pay for all the plastic surgery. Great job Miss Lee!

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