Report 1079 – Servitude

This is this little sissies first report (I am only 5 feet 5 inches without heels).This sissy has been in the house for a week now and has been in panties ever since,and it feels great, this sissy has submtted her application for her masturbation schedule and is patiently and quietly awaiting approval, even though sissies clitty is aching she as not rubbed herself excpt to keep herself clean. This sissy is working on her servitude asignment and is happy to report that she is now sarted a daily routine of doing all the housewok for her Mistress sissy is now doing the laundry, dishes, tidying up, vacuuming, dusting, cleanig the wahrooms including scrubbing the toilets.
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sissy courtney

This sissy absolutely loves it here! Thank you Superiors for providing the House for all us sissies to train to be completely obedient and devoted! This sissy is so much more girlie since when she started, and is looking forward… Read more “sissy courtney”