Report 1094 – Get yourself a Real Mistress

Curtsies to The Stuff and to this sissy's Owner and Inspirer, Her Highness Gorgeous Ms Stewart.It has been so long that this sissy completed a series of assignments that have been warmly accepted by the gracious Stuff of The House of sissify. Moreover this sissy was granted with the greatest honour to be nominated a "princess" of The House, which was one of the most remarkable moments of sissy life. sissy is so grateful to Ms Stewart for all Her valuable guidance, Her patience, Her strict but smooth enforcement that led this sissy to be what s.he always wanted to be.If someone has read this sissy's resolutions assignments written a couple of years ago would notice that s.he was willing to go "out there" and seek the real thing. Stand out proudly and show what s.he has learned, what s.he was trained to do best, show out to the world of Femme-Domme what a submissive and subservient slut s.he is.
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It was really great to know this site. i have obviously missed a lot not getting onto this site before. your suggestions will definitely make this slut a better maid and keep her Mistress happy and satisfied forever. this whore’s… Read more “diana”