Report 1149 – Tucking

Girlish Essence
this sissy slut has recently been pushing her little soft pathetic clitty straight down inside of herself and then gently pushes her testicles inside of their hole and pulls the left over skin sack up and over her pushed in clitty and tapes every thing down smooth as a Ken doll with my little clitty hidden inside. This sissy sluts panties fit very well and she hopes that one day her little sissy clitty will stay pushed inside on its own. This sissy slut thanks the House of Sissify for allowing her inside. Sincerely, sissy slut lisa likeke
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satin trudi

Before joining the House trudi connected with a wide variety of scammers intent on taking advantage of sissies desperate to find a partner for training and ownership. As a group we are expressing ourselves honestly to a world not yet… Read more “satin trudi”