Report 240 – Servitude

This sissy found this, he.r first, assignment a bit hard to make a report about, although the things it describes is very good knowledge. This sissy have begun to change he.r habits to become more feminine. This however is very hard, because this sissy have always behaved like a man, which of course s.he is not. Wearing panties will not be hard at home, but when this sissy studys it will be a lot harder, because this sissy will try to hide he.r behavior to he.r fellow students, and s.he hopes s.he will learn to suppress this need. This sissy has no superior participating, but still feel the need to be helped to becoming the sissy s.he really is. This sissy is like clay in the hands of the house and are just waiting to be transformed into something that at least looks and acts like a woman, and will hopefully be able to service the men whom the real women are not using
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