Report 321 – Servitude

i have only just started my training (two weeks) and this is my first report so i hope You will bear with me. i know You will tell me where I am going wrong. i thought this assignment would be straightforward, because tricia has had such a vast influence in my earlier life; but now know how hard it actually is. It brings together all the other assignments and its permanence is frightening. tricia is a strong girl however and she is not frightened. she has waited a long time to be totally in control of my life. The assignment seems to naturally fall into three distinct phases: the sissy as herself (how composed and confidant she is), the sissy in the home (both domestically and sexually) and the sissy in the outside world. If its alright, i will address these phases separately.
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As a trans woman this site has helped so so much to enforce in me confidence in my own femininity. The Staff, especially Madame Stewart has been so integral in helping to shape that confidence and build it up. When… Read more “erin”