Report 322 – Cunnilingus

princess audrey maid
Oh, had i known back then what i know now! Sissy training, as the Staff so well knows, is not an easy undertaking. Vile male habits die slowly, even in the most dedicated sissy slave. Perhaps, one of the most intimate expressions of true submission is cunnilingus _ or, as Mistress refers to it, simple worship. Worship, by definition, involves Her, not the sissy slave. This is a subtle issue, for it is only by abandoning all vile male ego and urges that a sissy may properly service he.r Mistress. Real Men often wish to please a Woman to please their own egos. Despite the act of "pleasing" the (Superior) Woman, it really is about gratifying the vile male ego.
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…and i must say that Madame Stewart is right, even in a distance of 3000 km, She made it possible to make me impotent.