Report 370 – Cunnilingus

princess audrey maid
Speaking of cunnilingus, sissy shirley (i love you, shir...!) wrote a few days ago: "Girls are God". Oh my goodness, couldn't this sissy agree more with shir...! But not just "Girls...", shirley: This sissy would add that each and every cute little baby-Girl, each and every lovely Female adolescent, each and every sexy grown-up Woman, even each and every respectable, elderly Lady... ARE GOD... and thus deserve to have males 24/7 kissing, licking, sucking, eating, adoring their lovely pusssies and scented asses..
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gina laVaLampe

It seems the House of Sissify has loosened the ground up beneath me and im descending, in free fall, accelerating by the vast gravitational attraction of Femininity.