Report 402 – Wanking 101

princess audrey maid
First let maidsara Thank You for the wanking privileges, maidsara will work at being the best sissy she can be. After checking my email and reading the fantasy and wanking 101 i log off and changed into my new yoga outfit i just bought, the Girl at the store gave me a very strange look when i purchased a WomanÍs yoga outfit in my size. i felt very sexy as i started my work out, as a big girl i know i need to workout to get a sexy girlish figure so i can be as feminine as possible. After my work out as i prepared my bath i laid out my black silk panties, black silk chemise, 5î black spike heels, they felt so sexy i quickly got in the bath.
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rosemary anne

I’m one of your loving, grateful sissies…..You have given me the gift of knowing I’m not alone.