Report 432 – Wanking 101

princess audrey maid
This sissy humbly submits to the House Staff her report of her first Wanking 101 assignment. Sissy carolann stripped to her panties and bra, lit an "Exotic Bouquet" candle and laid on the bed. Her sissy tush was propped up on one pillow and she laid back on two other pillows. Her right hand moved underneath her panties and stroked the base of her little sissy clit with her index finger. Her left hand rested on her left thigh. Then carolann removed her panties and spread her legs. As she stroked the base of her sissy clit with thumb and forefinger, she whispered,"Cute little sissy clit. You belong to The House Staff now, my Superiors. I must do to you what They say and when They say." After 5 minutes of stroking at the base, sissy precum came out and ran down to where my fingers were. This made stroking easier and also enabled me to increase the speed. Suddenly an intense, pleasurable feeling arouse from deep within this sissy's scrotum. Soon sissy carolann climaxed in a low high pitched moan and with thrusting hips. It was an unbelievably wonderful feeling never ever felt in the past from man-wanking.
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