Report 454 – A Visit From Aunt Flo

i am reporting on my second visit from "Aunt Flo". i took even more preparations this time to try to make this time as authentic as possible. For this visit, i had been to the pharmacy and had all the necessary items. (Last visit, i had borrowed pads and tampons from my wifeÍs supplies) i began by going to the pharmacy and purchasing Playtex Overnight Maxi Pads and a Generic Tampon. i also bought a fresh tube of Ben Gay to serves as a nipple irritant. My next stop was a local department store to purchase a couple pairs of smaller size panties to ensure that my ñtuckî was nice and tight. After making my purchases i went home and began my assignment.
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may i request permission to speak freely from the heart? upon finishing chapter one of “Girlfriends” by Vicky Tern……oh, my, God…Mistress, i just don’t know what to say. oh my God, this really is home! God in heaven i’m going… Read more “danielle”