Report 479 – Wanking 101

princess audrey maid
Today is sissy lynnÍs special day, but since s.he is having a visit from Aunt Flo and the House rules prohibit wanking, s.he it would be good day to write this overdue report. After being allowed into the House s.he eagerly read the assignments. What surprised most was the masturbation schedule. Before being granted permission to enter the House Lynn wanked off as much as 6 times a day. This sissy never thought that she could hold he.rself back. But this sissy is astonished that s.he has submitted this strong sexual gratification desire to he.r Superiors. This enforced chastity has made realize that before s.he was stupidly pleasing the male gender. S.he now realizes that sissy-clit is for Superiors desires and for Mistress use (if s.he ever gets a Mistress.) This sissy eagerly awaits special days. When s.he is allowed to go to the SS room, s.he know that itÍs purpose is for enjoyment but also to learn that lynnÍs sissy clit is for the pleasure of others. S.he also know that s.he must always be trained to be a cum vessel for her Superiors.
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It has only been a week but what a week this site is awesome and the Staff is so wonderful to deal with i am an older sissy and sadly my wife could never know. that’s sad because our life… Read more “lola”