Report 600 – Let’s go Shopping!

Hello mistresses of the house of sissify, first of all this sissy marcie would like to thank you for the wonderful site you have created, this girl has finally found a home were s.he can be the true sissy s.he was meant to be, again, thank you soooo much mistresses of the house . This sissy would like to report on he.r wonderful experience s.he had shopping last week, of course this sissy got he.rself ready as s.he has been taught a real sissy should. S.he started early, for s.he knew s.he had a full day ahead of he.r. This sissy started with a nice warm bubble bath, where s.he made sure s.he was properly shaved from head to toe. Next s.he towled off and covered he.r fresh and smooth body first with baby oil and then baby powder to ensure a smooth and fresh scent. Next this sissy put on a fresh coat of nail polish on he.r toes, for everything on this sissy has to be fem. Next this sissy put on her cutest and sissiest pink panties, bikini style with white bows and lace, and then slipped on he.r sexy black stockings, but unfortunately than had to put on he.r male drab clothing over he.r sexy secret. As this sissy headed out of the house she knew s.he knew s.he was going to experience something s.he had never experienced before, going into a store and asking for guidance in outfitting he.rself with some brand new sissy outfits for he.rself. Fortunately this sissy lives close to denver, where there is a store especially for crossdressers and drag queens, and this sissy had been in there before to buy some black heels, but today was different, this sissy was going all out.
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It helps me to gather information to further educate me as sissy