Report 671 – A Visit From Aunt Flo

This sissy has a new appreciation for what real women endure every month. This is this sissyÍs first visit from Aunt Flo and s.he can only image what next month will be like when additional requirements are added to the assignment. It is only day three and already this sissy is irritable, tired and sore. This sissyÍs new best friend is the bathroom. S.he has never spent so much time on the toilet and planning where the next toilet stop will be located. Today in a long meeting this sissy had to hold he.r water for about 20 minutes. At least the tuck helped (some). Tomorrow should prove to be very interesting since this sissy plans to play golf. Boys can pee outside standing up but girls have to wait until the get back to the clubhouse to use the bathroom facilities. Waiting for over an hour or maybe two may prove to be too much but this sissy will hold he.r water like a good girl. As of last evening this sissy has been waking three times each night to relieve he.rself. This is really cutting into this sissyïs sleep time and since s.he has gone from caffeinated to decaffeinated coffee s.he is suffering from mild headaches.
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Mistress Monique

I instructed my sissy, amandacecilia, to join your wonderful site a few days ago after I did a brief perusal here myself, with instructions that she show me anything she felt especially useful or insightful here. Needless to say, the… Read more “Mistress Monique”