Report 810 – Cunnilingus

princess audrey maid
This meak and worthless sissy wishes to convey her heart-felt thanks to the Staff of the House of Sissity for the complete and excellent advice regarding this subject. Before enrolling as a sissy she had been practicing cunnilingus occasionally for many years with her beloved Wife. During this time she was unaware of many of the finer points and selfishly performed it with the primary purpose of bringing her Wife to a state of passion so that she (or rather he) could enjoy a good fuck. He did not have the intention of primarily pleasuring his Wife. Now after studying the assignment carefully, sissy realizes the importance of bringing pleasure to her Wife without the necessity of sissy's gratification except in being able to serve her beloved Wife. Now there is not an expectation of copulation on sissy's part. This is very helpful now as Wife is experiencing declining health with frequent pain in Her legs.
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