Report 829 – Servitude

This sissy picked Servitude for this report. Since sissy has to have a cyber Master because sissies SO doesnÍt participate in the development of being a good sissy. This sissy has to be a macho man and be the submissive sissy when ever sissy can work it into the daily schedule.sissy is a mature queen sissy that has been a cross dresser off and on for most of sissies life. After reading the House information on Servitude it became most apparent to this sissy that sissy was a Macho Man Cross Dresser. All sissy wanted to do was dress like a girl and parade around in a bra and panties and pretend to be a girl. As sissy matured the sissies mind wanted to be more than a man putting on girls clothes so sissy joined ñThe Houseî and started reading as much as possible about being a sissy.
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sissy cindy

i have only been a member for a few short days and have found myself wondering why i hadnt joined much earlier. Truth is i was very scared and worried to face my sissy desires. Now i find those fears… Read more “sissy cindy”