Report 883 – The sissy Lounge

First, the clean-out. Razors, after-shave, men's deodorent, men's talc all in the trash. Then the upgrade, new lighted make-up mirror, new pink make-up stool, pink waste bin (for 'sanitary disposal'), new soft pink paint job. Now the stock, new epilator, new 'intimate areas' shaver, oil of Olay skin lotion, scented soaps, bubble bath, feminine deodorant, intimate feminine deodorant, pads (normal for panty lining and super for aunt Flo's visits), super tampons, scented talc, make-up remover, q-tips, cotton squares. Move all my extra perfume,make-up, lippy and nail-polish into the new cabinet and my sissyLounge is ready.
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The House has helped rikki in such a short time. It’s given a safe refuge with safe, caring sisters. It’s helped free h.erself and giving the tools to serve a Mistress, in order to fulfill desire… Read more “rikki”