Collared at Dom Con Atlanta!

StaffDeep Dish2 Comments

Greetings Mistresses (curtsey) Hi girls ! (hugs)

veronica vinyl Well the mother ship just returned to earth from my wonderful trip to Dom Con Atlanta and i must say it was absolutely Fabulous. Latex leather silk satin and insanity around every corner! The usual suspects of course were there. All the fabulous movers and shakers in BDSM and Fetish. The glorious Mistresses in there very expensive and perfectly presented fierce armor. Mistress Luna Sea i spotted wearing a delightful blood red latex short dress and severe Black page boy bob wig. Looking like a post apocalyptic cast member from a road show of Maitresse.

Mistress Cyan, the fabulous Hostess of the event was absolutely stunning in Her floor length leather gowns. On Her slender and svelte frame the effect was devastating.

My eyes were darting around the lobby of the hotel working feverishly to take in the gathering of fine fetish feathered birds gathered in a flock. Mistress Insatiable Amazon in Her Latex cat suit looking like the bride of Odin. Submissive little cuties in attendance barely dressed and looking so available and vulnerable. Little damsels in search of distress. Of course the sissies were out in full force, in all there frilly finery including myself… wearing what Mistress Alexia had decreed that i bedressed in. A pink satin maids uniform with an outrageous splay of petticoats and knee length pink and lace bloomers! Mistress doesn’t want me towering over Her like the behemoth that my male genes have given me. So Mistress dressed me in ballet slippers. Which was great as i could prance about the convention much easier like giant pink puff ball.
Every where i turned in the dealers room for instance, Dommes were shopping and testing out new equipment on willing submissives The sound of whips cracking and whistling through the air punctuated the music being played in the room. Which by the way Simply Rocked. Perfectly chosen tunage by Mistress Cyan. Mistress Cyans attention to the details and atmosphere of the convention makes a Dom Con experience a complete escape from the mundane world outside the convention.

There was a tiny stage in the dealers room with nonstop scenes being played out and performed by the illustrious attendees. The action ranged from simple spankings to elaborate artistic acts of modern primitive decorative piercings. The energy around the stage was glorious. Every time i walked by i was riveted by the intensity of the players on stage with pain, pleasure and whole gambit of intense emotions being played out. These folks had come to lay themselves bare to expose there raw passion and offer it steaming hot to all willing to look. i admire those who can do that. To suffer flinch twitch laugh weep and convulse for the personal edification of all in attendance.

All the time their were classes and lectures going on. Dealing with a broad range of Fetish subjects. All sharing knowledge and perversions with others. From what i could see they were heavily attended. From Advance sissy maid service to Electrical play with the Violet Wand. (One of my favorite toys. )

i spent the first morning of the convention in my room fussing with my look and dressing as i wanted to look absolutely perfect for My Mistress. i had a heavy responsibility. My Mistress’ reputation as a Professional Domme is very important to me as it is to Her. Not to mention that Mistress Alexia is never seen looking anything but absolutely flawless at any given time. As Her Property i had to be perfectly turned out… looking and acting like the proper accessory for whatever outfit She might be wearing when She hit the Convention floor. Two hours i spent fussing with makeup and clothes… trying to get it absolutely right. it was worth it. When i saw Mistress Alexia at the registration desk, all the air went out of my lungs. She looked incredible in Her purple vinyl corset and Her thigh high boots. it was all so very elegant and erotic i wanted to fall to my knees on the spot and start licking at Her heels and work my way up. Taking all day to buff that material to a mirror shine.

Now let me tell you girls. The best thing about dressing for the Mistress is when the Mistress looks at you. You are looking for that smile that hint of approval that tells you She likes what She sees. i got that. She seemed absolutely delighted. As Mistress says. “A pretty little sissy maid is Mistress Kryptonite.” They love it. They smile a smile that is like no other.. and in that moment, a sissy like me just goes all buttery inside. isn’t that just so cool? The fact that for the right kind of Mistress you are both feeling so intensely about each other for completely different reasons.

i followed behind Mistress as She shopped and i carried Her bags when asked and tried to be as submissive and dutiful as i could. Which darling is no mean trick for me, as i am a social butterfly; and i am distracted by shiny objects. Actually though, its also very good that i do this One trick that some sissies never learn… is how to be away from the Mistress To give some space so the Mistress can fil the room with Her fabulous presence.

i think one of the best tricks a sissy can learn is not only to be available and attentive when needed but knowing when to be absent when not needed. How to disappear.. without going too far. Now being the faerie spite that i am this not hard for me at all. im tinkerbell baby. Whizzing about the room with a trail of faerie dust glittering behind.

i am so glad i went to this convention for so many reasons but the most important reason of all was what happened in the dealers room when Mistress was shopping at Torvea’s booth.

The most important event that ever can happen to a slave happened to me. Finally. Mistress placed a collar around my neck! She had selected a pink and black leather suede collar. it is official.. i am collared i am now owned for all to see. My emotions were churning inside me and i didn’t know what to say or do. i couldn’t find the words. Up until this point in my relationship with Mistress Alexia, it had all been a audition. i knew this was what i wanted and needed and i told Her that this was my goal from the moment i met Her. But now it has finally happened and i feel like the most privileged sissy in the entire world. All the submissive girls at the convention guShed about it and hugged me. i felt like a bride.

i could tell the male submissive were jealous as all hell. One said, “my God. Mistress Alexia collared you? Mistress Alexia owns you? How did you do that? i cant believe it. ” Well believe it baby! That’s the kind of magical weekend this was. Dreams do come true… and Dom Con Atlanta is just the kind of fertile ground to pursue those dreams. i wish this magic to all the Mistresses and submissive out there. Dom Con magic i
s like no other.

Carpe Noctum
Property of Mistress Alexia Jordon

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