Jack & Jill – (novelette)

sissy kiss

 Oh, I’ve got a few girlfriends, and they fuss and worry over me sometimes, and sometimes they arrange dates for me and we go out together, and sometimes I arrange my own dates. But dates are always a problem. I don’t know which gender to ask out. I look like a girl and I dress like a girl, and I live like one.

A novelette by Vickie Tern!


Jack & Jill – Chapter 1

Jack & Jill - Chapter 1
I work like as a woman, as a kind of secretary-typist-administrative-girl-Friday who doesn't mind solving her boss's computer programming problems ...

Jack & Jill – Chapter 2

Jack & Jill - Chapter 2
I went back behind my desk and sat down, and she settled into her usual chair when taking dictation, and ...

Jack & Jill – Chapter 3

tg bianca
Jill never did say anything about her discovery of my little tryst with Darlene, and I never saw those pictures ...

Jack & Jill – Chapter 4

Jack & Jill - Chapter 4
There I was, finally on the street dressed like a woman, in full makeup, no place to hide from anyone ...

Jack & Jill – Chapter 5

legs & stilettos
"I want you to think about me and Tom here tonight, in our beautiful bed. Are you thinking about it, ...

Jack & Jill – Chapter 6

Jack & Jill - Chapter 6
Carl looked at his notepad, then turned over a few pages and smiled at me again. "No, Jane, my arrangement ...

Jack & Jill – Chapter 7

True Stories
The night just past, my sense of entrapment, my acceptance of the inevitable, my conversion to desire for a man, ...

Jack & Jill – Chapter 8

Jack & Jill - Chapter 8
And Jill had decided for herself what kind of a woman I was, and what was best for me. She ...

Jack & Jill – Chapter 9

legs & stilettos
I must say about Jill, it didn't take her long to put me through her crash program in "womanhood." What ...

Jack & Jill – Chapter Ten

Fashion Show
Five minutes later I had poured Art a full tumbler of whiskey and he had emptied it down, by the ...
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This sissy absolutely loves it here! Thank you Superiors for providing the House for all us sissies to train to be completely obedient and devoted! This sissy is so much more girlie since when she started, and is looking forward… Read more “sissy courtney”

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