Caught with Aunties Panties!

Caught with Aunties panties!
My experience of being caught with Aunt Rachel’s panties happened when I was 16, shortly after my folks had told me that I was adopted. One Saturday my Mom asked me to drop a cake pan off at Aunt Rachel’s. I jumped at the chance since it was always a pleasure to see Aunt Rachel, the object of my wildest fantasies. She was about 35 years old, 5′ 11″ tall, 145 lbs., and a high school librarian. She was a beautiful redhead with a voluptuous body. She lived across town about an hour away.

When I got to her house I found that no one was home. The wheels in my panty-crazed mind began to turn. I found the spare key she kept hidden on the front porch, nervously unlocked the door and went in. I dropped the cake pan hurriedly on the kitchen counter and made a beeline for Aunt Rachel’s bedroom. This would be my first chance to explore her lingerie drawer and I was weak in the knees from the excitement and anticipation of it. I walked to her dresser and tried the top right drawer. BINGO! I had found my treasure on the first try!

I stood and gazed at the most luscious collection of frills and lace I had ever seen. Bras, slips and panties of every style and color were neatly folded in small piles with several pairs of pantyhose rolled up and placed to one side. I thumbed through the piles of panties, recognizing many pairs I had encountered in the hamper at one time or another. Not wanting to waste this golden opportunity I quickly selected two pairs, a red string bikini panty with black eyelet edging and a beautiful pink bikini with the pretty white lace and pink satin appliqués and stuffed them down the front of my pants. I quietly closed the drawer, but as I turned to leave, Aunt Rachel turned the corner from the hallway and walked into the room.

“Just what are you doing in here!” she exclaimed with a furious look on her face. I just stood and stammered, trying to think of an excuse for being in her room. She stood and stared at me obviously waiting for an answer. “Uh, umm…I thought I heard something down here and came to see what it was”, I nervously answered. “I doubt it!” she replied forcefully, “What are you hiding down the front of your pants!” I looked down and could see the obvious bulge that the two pairs of panties were making in my pants. “Nothing Aunt Rachel, really”, I lied. “You are not leaving this room until you show me what you have in there!” said Aunt Rachel sternly as she stood with her arms folded across her chest. I knew she meant business and that I had no choice but to show her what I had taken. I slowly reached down and unbuttoned the top of my jeans, reached in and pulled out the two pairs of panties. I held them out to her; my head pointed to the floor in utter shame and embarrassment. “Well”, she said as she grabbed them out of my hand ” this explains why so many of my panties have been disappearing lately, doesn’t it?” I couldn’t answer her. “What exactly have you been doing with my panties?” she asked. Again, I just couldn’t bear to answer her. I just stood silently in shame and fear of what she was going to do. “Well, they are for wearing so I guess that must be what you use them for. I think we should see how they fit, don’t you?”

“Please, Aunt Rachel, no”, I pleaded. But she cut me off and with a cold stare stated “You will try these panties on right now in front of me or I will be on the phone telling your parents all about this, your choice!” That would have been a fate worse than death so I resigned myself and slowly began to undress. I stripped down to my shorts and looked up at my Aunt. She handed me the pink panties I had stolen from her drawer and said simply “Keep going”. I quickly peeled off my shorts and stepped into the silky nylon panties bending at the waist to try to hide my shriveled little cock from her. “Stand up straight so I can see you” she ordered. When I did she looked me up and down and slowly walked around me taking in the spectacle from every angle. By the time she faced me again I was blushing as red as the other pair of panties I had taken.

“Very pretty” she said, embarrassing me even further, “but something is missing.” With that she went to the top right drawer I had so recently violated and pulled out a pink bra that matched the panties I was wearing. It was a set and the bra was just as beautiful, with satin and lace and delicate embroidery all over the cups.

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