Punishment for the Errant sissy

Punishment paddling
How often do We hear you sissies yearn for punishment? You seem to desire to be reprimanded, scolded, and spanked. Now just how is that punishment? You desire the stimulation without the proper remorse. Instead, there is enjoyment.
If you have truly committed a transgression, you must admit it. Then you must express your shame and experience a penalty. Repentance means work. It is not just stopping an inappropriate behavior. There is an emotional transition. It is not only recognizing the wrong or knowing what should be done. It is a principle which, when properly applied over sufficient time, results in renewal, cleansing, and transformation. And isn't transformation what we seek here?
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satin trudi

Before joining the House trudi connected with a wide variety of scammers intent on taking advantage of sissies desperate to find a partner for training and ownership. As a group we are expressing ourselves honestly to a world not yet… Read more “satin trudi”

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