Ready to be Spanked 3

StaffDeep Dish1 Comment

This is the third in our butt stinging series ‘Ready to be spanked’ in which we look at the favoured positions for the submissive sissy.

You sissies desire to be reprimanded, scolded, and spanked so make sure you get it right complete the Behaviour Modification Assignment – ‘Punishment for the errant sissy‘ found under Place & Worship.

3. Over-a-desk

Perfect for the spontaneous punishment when you can be pushed against a desk or table for some indiscriminate misdemeanour. This submissive pose also allows your Superior to hold you down by the nape of the neck for extra control while she administers your smacks. Nothing can be more demeaning than a firm grip to stop your escape – not that you dare.

What we love about this pose is that it need not be kept for the diner or study but can also be easily applied in the work place or office. Try bending over the directors oak desk or board room table while wearing something short and skimpy. Promotion may not necessarily follow but a sever reprimand is almost guaranteed!

With your panties down and your ass exposed after a heavy spanking you will be in the perfect postion for some humbling anal submission. Read all about it and do the Behaviour Modification Assignment / sissy sexuality /anal submission.

Whatever position your Superior or Mistress favours always remember your sissy manners and say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to help gain their respect.

If you know of any other favoured spank position which you would like us to consider for inclusion please share.

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This site is so cool. All of the lovely photos are inspirational to this sissy’s development. The personal stories help this sissy to believe that anything is possible.

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