Submission is your mission.

Good girls submit their Reports after working diligently on their sissy Training Assignments! With this important section of the House, We can see, discuss and participate in your sisters discoveries into their girlish selves. Have questions about your Asssignments? Excuses as to why you haven't completed them yet? Meet Us in the Assignments Group to discuss!

House Grading Curve

You did just the bare minimum hoping for praise. Non enthusiastic. Poorly written.
Understood the intent. Well written. Possibly missing photo essay.
It's all there. Intent. Writing. Photo Essay. Enthusiasm. Our accolades.

The Latest Submissions


What’s rikki’s size

Being a Lily, s.he can now purchase the appropriate clothing and sizes, without looking like some goofy guy, trying to ...
Wanking 101

Masturbation 101 for chrissy

Thank you for taking the time to review and grade chrissy’s report on masturbation. she is grateful for being granted ...
Anal Sex?

How silvia became an anal slut

It was her 18th birthday, and silvia was so excited to be an adult finally. Her friends surrounded her, all ...

Condoms and sissy Cock Sucking

The House did a very good job explaining clearly what the risks are and most importantly how to minimize the ...

Nail practice

S.he is still trying to get used to having nails but is getting the hang of it ...

New girl learning her way around the House

This girl is very excited to Submit her first report to the House Superiors ...
cute panties

To Tuck or To Tuck: There is no question!

This is her first time tucking and she was so surprised at how feminine her panties looked for the fist ...

tami’s day of servitude

tami is still able to practice her servitude privately and is able to put tami’s Superior first in anything tami ...
Servitude with Betty

Servitude is our being

While reading about how to properly serve a Superior, three things caught my attention. One, serving is a sissies being ...
kendal poised for service

A sissys’ Proper Correspondence and Etiquette

This sissy has taken to heart these ideals. Implementing these has made the sissy feel so obedient, inferior, and happy ...

First time smooth (A daring act of rebellion )

I couldn't stop staring at my legs and running my palms over them ...
Zen of Servitude

sissy’s Birth

This lena has learned that servitude is the essence of every sissy's life. This means submitting herself and her actions ...

Proper Correspondence Etiquette is Esssential

This sissy is dedicated to working as hard as her fluffy little head allows at extinguishing her self and ego ...

The importance of Etiquette

This report is about the importance of sissy etiquette. A sissy must never refer to herself as an "I" or ...

Secret sissy step 1: wearing my panties

Sissy is making her 1st steps, and even though she's not in the position to do anything openly, the training ...

Visit the Categories for more!

Beauty Secrets

Beauty Secrets

Paint primp preen couffe dress and glow! Oh, the magic of glamour!
Girlish Essence

Girlish Essence Reports

The sugar and spice and everything nice part of the sissy that makes up you. Let’s cultivate that girlishness!
Getting Real

Getting Real Reports

A silly little sissy must have all the tools she needs in her purse in the big bad world.
Place and Worship

Place and Worship

Walk three steps behind the Mistress, serve the tea, kneel - head down - hands in lap. Be where you are expected to be, and do as the Goddess commands.
sissy sexuality

sissy Sexuality

One of the most important training programs at the House, sissy sexuality will teach you to  prepare, to serve and to enjoy.
domestic dutties

Domestic Duties

Nothing pleases a Mistress more than an immaculate house, and nothing pleases the House more than a properly completed and well submitted Domestics Report!
Womens Studies

Women’s Studies

We know you want to become a girl. Emulating instead of lusting is the first key, but there is so much more to study. Learning the ways of the Woman are an integral and important part of actually becoming one.

Ready to start your training?

Submit your application today!



The House has been great, this sissy feels that this is a great community with very respectable Superiors and Staff who run our House. This sissy is very grateful. The House of Sissify has helped this sissy keep in mind… Read more “tiffany”

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