Show Your Sissy Support World Cup Footy Fans

StaffDeep DishLeave a Comment

If in any doubt, of course your domineering Mistress will let you go to the football match – at a price.

She’ll even let you pursue your secret fanatical love for football despite it being an obviously masculine sport – but be warned you’ll have to change your normal supporters kit.


Come on you lads!

She’ll ban you from wearing your team shirt and insist, if you still wish to go, that you wear something more befitting a weak-willed sissy like yourself. But fear not, it’s not all bad as despite her frozen exterior she’s likely to have some heart and will still let you show your allegiance by wearing your team strip. But instead of a normal soccer shirt she’ll have you wearing a beautifully feminine dress or skirt and top – in your team colours just like our beautiful fan in the photo.

Your team support shouldn’t end there and if a good Mistress (and aren’t they all?) she’ll insist you wear panties, bra, hose and heels all in your favourite team colours just in case you get invited back into the dressing room to be stripped and given a rub down in the communal tub.

You see – Once surrounded and ridiculed by women who cheer like mothers watching their son play their schools five-a-side and half- drunken men who bawl like PE instructors, she knows your enthusiasm will dampen as quick as your panties and you’ll turn your attention back to her in full support.



Have a wander through our ‘Look@me gallery’ of feminine lovelies and get an idea for you own outfit or alternatively send us a photo of yourself supporting your team.

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WOW I have to say,.. That although I do not participate in this particular lifestyle,.. (being far too dominant in set in my ways to desire such an experience) I feel you deserve enormous kudos on the design and layout… Read more “ishmael”

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