Madame Ming’s Chinese Laundry

Madame Ming Turns Boys to Girls
There’s an ancient Chinese secret to turning boys into girls and only Madame Ming knows how to use it! Another all original Lustomic comic!

Jake had no idea his trip to Chinatown for a little wash and dry would change his life forever. After all, how could his biology professor steer him wrong? Say hello to Jade! The latest lotus blossom, boy turned girl, working the private backrooms where customers get extra special laundry service!

Madame Ming makes sure all her “girls” are trained very well in all sorts of cleaning and cum lapping. From pressing dress shirts to dry cleaning client’s cocks! Her ex-husband, turned sissy slave slut, Miss Mei, is always delighted to help train the newbies. You’ll love how laundry gets done at Madame Ming’s!!!

There’s so much more Inside We don’t dare show out here!

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princess sugar

sissies, do you really know where this road will lead you? this sissy and Mistress in the first several years, simply walled off certain aspects of this life. we simply declared they weren’t for us, but 2014 hit and… Read more “princess sugar”

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