Lipstick Theory

StaffDeep DishLeave a Comment

According to Estee Lauder Cosmetics, the inventor of the ‘Lipstick Theory’; now is the time when women take comfort in the indulgent but relatively inexpensive pleasure of lipstick.


This suggests that the economy can be read by the rise and fall of lipstick sales. They should know, since they track the leading brands sold within the US. Apparently, when lipstick sales go up, people don’t want to buy dresses. These facts may be true but a good sissy slut should not be swayed by economics and always keep a well stocked wardrobe all year round what ever the economic climate. So be happy, spend those dollars squirrelled away in a cookie jar on a new tube of crimson as well as that gorgeous summers dress… You know your worth it.

Stop The Press – The same thing has been said with high heels. The greater the heel height the worse the economy. This phenomenon goes back as far as records begun. It seems that in hard, money strapped times women wore higher heels to boost their confidence and self esteem.

Analysts say its because a higher heel makes a real woman feel more powerful, more in control and gives a sign of wealth. At the House we are not so sure about this since a tottering sissy desperately attempting to maintain balance as they mince precariously in heels is so beautifully demeaning. To achieve this, as you know, you do not have to fork out the big bucks either. It’s not necessarily crippling expensive designer shoes that are selling but more standard styles as recent sales have seen a 30% surge in 5 inch 6 heel. It’s pretty wild, so follow the House advice   – wear lots of bright red lipstick and those barely legal, towering heels to work.

You’ll feel great and stop traffic but you may find yourself spending more time doing your Domestic Duties if thrown out of your company for your unorthodox dress sense.

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